MVI56-PDPS module



About MVI56-PDPS
The MV156-PDPS Slave Communications Network Interface Module is an InRAx manufactured interface device developed to allow ControlLogix enabled processors to interface with PROFIBUS DP Master devices. The MV156-PDPS is supported by the PROFIBUS VO Slave Implementation which allows for tremendous improvements in speed and in the quality of data transfers between the connected ControlLogix processors and the module. The MV156-PDPS has data mapping features that are configurable by the users. The MV156-PDPS interface module is made easy to use thanks to the DP Operation Port. For easier interface with a PC, the MV156-PDPS has a Configuration/Debug serial port that allows for all kinds of things like status checks, monitoring, and configuration as well as troubleshooting. The serial cable for this purpose is provided with the module when shipped.
The voltage rating of the MV156-PDPS ranges between 5 and 24 Volts DC. The amperage rating of the MV156-PDPS ranges between 3 and 800 mA and the communications rating ranges between 110 and 115200 Baud. The MV156-PDPS has an operational temperature requirement of 32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Pre-configured drive settings for the MV156-PDPS can be downloaded and installed on the module from a PC. The input and output limit of the PROFIBUS DP Slave is 200 characters without images and 122 characters with images. The input and output data blocks can be individually monitored and mapped on the module’s data memory for maximum flexibility and efficiency. For data transfer between the module and the processors, the MV156-PDPS uses Ladder Logic. The device comes with both local and remote rack options as well as a configurable I/O backplane.